Review paper

Wybrane aspekty stosowania probiotyków

Izabela Steinka

Ann. Acad. Med. Gedan. 2011 (vol. 41), No 1:
Publication date: 2011-02-01
Language: pl


The aim of this publication was to assess selected problems associated with the use of probiotic strains in therapy and nutrition. Physiological properties of the main genus of bacteria and mould used as probiotics were described. The publication specified the therapeutic properties of probiotic strains, including the microbiological processes associated with the activity of Bifidobacterium spp., Lactobacillus spp. and Saccharomces bulardii. The problem of appropriate dosage and probiotic strain composition was discussed. Factors affecting the viability of probiotic cultures in the digestive tract were evaluated. Finally, the problem of safety of probiotics was presented in the view of data reported in literature and clinical trials, as well as in the context of the proposed programming of probiotics. The paper also included a discussion on the future of priobiotic strains.