Research paper

Krioterapia jako środek zmniejszający ból u pacjentów ze zwyrodnieniem stawu biodrowego

Rafał Studnicki, Katarzyna Dymek, Maciej Komorowski, Rita Hansdorfer-Korzon

Ann. Acad. Med. Gedan. 2013 (vol. 43), No 1:
Publication date: 2013-02-01
Language: pl


The mechanism of steoarthritis (arthrosis, osteoarthrosis) resembles a vicious circle. The pain contributes to reducing movement. It reduces blood flow and automatically the production of synovia falls. Cartilage gets a worse supply of nutrients. Moreover, in the muscles disappear or muscular balance changing. The study was conducted in the Outpatient Rehabilitation JASIEŃ in Prabuty. Patients were divided into two groups A and B. The study included 36 patients with degenerative changes of the hip-joint. The age of the patients oscillated from 40 to more than 70. In patients from group B cryotherapy local was additionally used.

In the majority of respondents with coxarthrosis, local cryotherapy treatment had impact on pain reduction: in group A, 2 points; in group B, 4 points. The movement of the hip flexion in group A improved about 15 degrees while in group B about 25 degrees. In group A extension of the hip improved about 3 degrees while in group B about 5 degrees.

Adres: Rafał Studnicki
Zakład Fizjoterapii GUMed
ul. Dębinki 7, 80-211 Gdańsk
e-mail: rstudnicki@gumed.edu.pl