Research paper

Realizacja Programu Powszechnych Przesiewowych Badań Słuchu u Noworodków w Klinice Otolaryngologii Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego

Tomasz Przewoźny, Jakub Piątkowski, Czesław Stankiewicz

Ann. Acad. Med. Gedan. 2014 (vol. 44), No 1:
Publication date: 2014-02-01
Language: pl


The experiences of ENT Department Medical University of Gdańsk in the completion of Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program on the II level were presented in this paper. The aim of the study was the analysis of newborn hearing diagnosed in Audiology Outpatient Department, the comparison of hearing results in the I and II level of reference and estimation of hearing loss risk factors. The material was 453 children. We retrospectively analyzed gender, age, hearing results, side and level of hearing loss, presence of risk factors. In observed population girls stated 192 (42.4%) and boys 261 (57.6%) of children. Hearing Screening Program at the I level reference was performed in 441 (97.4%) children. The proper result of hearing test was stated in 308 (69.8%) children. Abnormal results were stated in 133 (30.2%) children – unilateral abnormal result in 58 (13.2%), although bilateral abnormal result was observed in 75 (17.0%). We have estimated the prevalence of risk factors frequency in 360 newborns out of 453 (79.5%). The most common risk factors of hearing loss in this group were: ototoxic drugs (44.0%), prematurity < 40 dB) – 3 children (0.7%); moderate (41–70 dB) – 14 children (3.1%); severe (71–90 dB) – 13 children (2.9%) and profound (> 90 dB) – 3 children (0.7%). The most common risk factors in children with audiological proved hearing loss were: congenital defect of head and neck, hearing loss in the family and syndromes commonly associated with hearing loss. Hearing results from I and II level center were compared and showed 100 (22.1%) of children with positive false result. Presented outcome confirms the effectiveness of Neonatal Hearing Screening Program in Pomeranian County and indicates the need of further hearing tests.

Adres: dr n. med. Tomasz Przewoźny
Katedra i Klinika Otolaryngologii GUMed
e-mail: tprzew@gumed.edu.pl