Case Report

Petrosektomia boczna jako metoda leczenia raka płaskonabłonkowego, rozwijającego się w przewlekłym zapaleniu ucha środkowego. Opis przypadku

Jerzy Kuczkowski, Dmitry Tretiakow, Edyta Szurowska, Wojciech Biernat

Ann. Acad. Med. Gedan. 2014 (vol. 44), No 1:
Publication date: 2014-02-01
Language: pl


Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common cancer of the middle ear (60% – 80 %). The diagnosis of cancer in this location is very difficult, especially when infection to accompanied himaccompanied by infection. A method of treatment should take into account the stage and type of the cancer. The case of patient with middle ear cancer, in which the first symptom was subperiosteal mastoid abscess, is presented. Open-cavity tympanomastoidectomy was extended to partial parotidectomy and partial resection of temporal and zygomatic bones with tumor remaining. Postoperative histopathological examination: squamous cell carcinoma, grade ½. Patient was qualified to adjuvant radiotherapy. Immediately after radiotherapy facial paralysis and 3 months after radiotherapy the bleeding from right ear were observed. Lateral petrosectomy with obliterating of SS and facial nerve decompression were performed. We used for 3 weeks anticoagulants and antibiotic therapy for 3 weeks. Examination within two years indicated no signs of cancer recurrence.

The presented case indicates the advisability of postoperative cavity obliteration after petrosectomy in patients with middle ear cancer. This procedure makes it possible to avoids the complications of radiotherapy such as infection or bleeding from the sigmoid sinus.

Adres: prof. dr hab. med. Jerzy Kuczkowski
Katedra i Klinika Otolaryngologii GUMed
ul. Smoluchowskiego 17, 80-214 Gdańsk
tel. (58) 349 33 93
e-mail: jerzyk@gumed.edu.pl