Medycy dla Afryki. Stopień realizacji Milenijnych Celów Rozwoju na przykładzie Madagaskaru
Political and economic crisis having its climax in 2008 contributed to the giant leap the number of hungry people by 100 million. Sub-Saharan African countries are grappling with major problems. Nearly 48% of the population lives below the poverty line, of which two fifths of the population lives in poverty absolute. Poverty brings many consequences. It is the cause of illiteracy, diseases associated with poverty, high infant mortality and low life expectancy. In addition, the problem in Africa is also poorly functioning health and black market drugs.
Most adult Africans die of AIDS, malaria, respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis, and chronic diarrhea. Causes of death of infants and children up to 5 years old are also chronic malnutrition, severe bacterial infections and parasitic diseases.
Madagascar inhabited by 18 ethnic groups, differing in dialect, customs, social and cultural, and even eating habits. The island is struggling with typical problems of developing countries. Particularly noteworthy is the political and economic crisis, poverty, illiteracy and poor health policies, including nutritional.
The objectives of the Millennium Development Goals are helping people in the poorest regions of the world and improve their quality of life by 2015.
Millennium Development Goals in Madagascar have not yet been achieved, according to the assumptions. Political and economic crisis has contributed to the deepening of malnutrition on the island, and badly organized action eradicate the plague of locusts in 2013 led to a significant decline in food security. The coup and unconstitutional seizure of power by local politicians was reflected mainly in the sphere of financing of education and health. Suspension of external funding from the European Union and the African Union resulted in an increase of illiteracy and difficult access to health care institutions.
For opportunities for Africa is considered to education and medical care offered by different groups of physicians. It must be remembered that the person who is sick and malnourished is not able to work, so it is important to help in two ways. It should at the same time give both „fish” and „fishing rod”.
Adres: mgr Daniel Kasprowicz
Zakład Chemii, Ekologii i Towaroznawstwa Żywności GUMed
ul. Powstania Styczniowego 9b, 81-519 Gdynia