Research paper

Obraz fluorozy zębów na podstawie wskaźnika Dean’a i wskaźnika T-F oraz choroby próchnicowej u dzieci zamieszkujących tereny zaopatrywane w wodę pitną o średniej zawartości fluoru 2,25 mg/l

Małgorzata Peplińska, Katarzyna Emerich, Agata Michałek, Agnieszka Dziarska, Joanna Gruber-Miazga, Radosław Korcala

Ann. Acad. Med. Gedan. 2015 (vol. 45), No 1: 35-43
Publication date: 2015-02-01
Language: pl


Dental fluorosis is a developmental, qualitative and quantitative defect of hard tissues of teeth, especially enamel, caused by excessive internal intake of fluoride during the developmental period of tooth germs. Some regions are characterized by increased amount of fluoride compounds in drinking water.

The objective of this article was analysis of fluorosis and caries in the population of children from Malbork, Poland, who lived in the area where the level of fluoride in drinking water was 2.25 mg/l while their teeth were at the stage of mineralisation.

206 children from the first classes of all middle schools (grammar schools) from Malbork were examined. Dental fluorosis was diagnosed using Dean`s Index and Thylstrup-Fejerskov Index. Caries levels were diagnosed according to the WHO guidelines using “D” from DMFT Index. The level of knowledge about dental fluorosis was assessed based on the questionnaire completed by the children taking part in the study.

Fluorosis was diagnosed in 84.54% of the population of examined children. Almost half of them had very mild or mild level of fluorosis. In those without enamel defects or with the questionable levels of fluorosis the number of decayed teeth was the highest. In 27.3% of patients there were no untreated decayed teeth. 15.46% had no caries or fillings. With the increasing level of fluorosis there was a decrease in the number of decayed teeth. A small number of children were aware of the fact that unaesthetic opacities of their teeth were indeed fluorosis.

Adres: prof. dr hab. n. med. Katarzyna Emerich
Katedra i Zakład Stomatologii Wieku Rozwojowego GUMed
ul. Orzeszkowej 18, 80-208 Gdańsk
tel. 58 349 21 03
e-mail: emerich@gumed.edu.pl