Research paper

70-lecie Zakładu Radiologii Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego – historia i osiągnięcia

Joanna Zielonko

Ann. Acad. Med. Gedan. 2016 (vol. 46), No 1: 33-44
Publication date: 2016-02-01
Language: pl


In 2015 there was 70th anniversary of Department of Radiology of Medical University of Gdansk. The jubilee is a good occasion to present the history and achievements of the department as well as to mention the radiologists, who significantly contributed to its development. In this article the author presents the advances in X-ray equipment and imaging techniques used in the department in last seven decades. The scientific, didactic and organizational achievements are discussed. Additionally accomplishments of the professors – consecutive heads of Department of Radiology and merited radiologists are mentioned.

Adres: dr n. med. Joanna Zielonko
Zakład Radiologii GUMed
ul. Dębinki 7, 80-211 Gdańsk
tel.: 58 349 36 80
e-mail: zielonko@gumed.edu.pl