Trudności w leczeniu bólu przebijającego u pacjenta z chorobą nowotworową – opis przypadku
More than half of patients with advanced cancer experience breakthrough pain (BTP) exacerbating pain, that surpasses the basic pain controlled with opioids. The article presents a case of 41 year old female patient with metastatic adenocarcinoma of lung manifesting severe BTP. Morphine administered by subcutaneous injection effectively reduced the symptoms, but due to the complication of the injection (phlegmon of subcutaneous tissue of arm), buccal fentanyl replaced the morphine. Fentanyl proved to be an effective drug in the treatment of breakthrough pain without causing side effects (nausea, vomiting).
Adres: dr n. med. Magdalena Osowicka
Zakład Medycyny Paliatywnej GUMed
Dębinki 2, 80-211 Gdańsk
tel.: 58 3491573