Review paper

Zioła i leki stosowane w okresie laktacji

Joanna Maria Jassem-Bobowicz, Iwona Domżalska-Popadiuk

Ann. Acad. Med. Gedan. 2016 (vol. 46), No 1: 87-94
Publication date: 2016-02-01
Language: pl


According to the current knowledge, mother’s milk is the best alimentation for a baby during the first months of life. Unfortunately, despite efforts, numerous mothers face substantial problems during breastfeeding. In this article, drugs and herbs frequently used during lactation were presented. Some of the described preparations have been used for centuries for their milk production increasing characteristics, despite lack of evidence of their effectiveness. Breastfeeding still remains an important aspect of public health and efforts should be made to support lactating women, therefore education and knowledge of caregivers who give lactation advice is substantial.

Adres: lek. Joanna Jassem-Bobowicz
Klinika Neonatologii GUMed
ul. Kliniczna 1A, 80-402 Gdańsk
e-mail: asiaj@gumed.edu.pl