Odległe efekty leczenia złamań dalszego odcinka kości ramiennej u dzieci
This study evaluated long-term treatment effects of chosen distal humeral fractures in children (supracondylar, medial and lateral condylar): limb’s motion range, strength, limb’s axis, visible deformations and neurological deficits. It evaluated how patient’s age influences the effects of therapy and whether it is possible to predict the child’s opinion of the upper limb function applying criteria commonly used in the literature.
Distal humeral fractures carry a risk of post-traumatic complications in many patients, which may significantly decrease the limb function. In long-term observations these decreases in function are less common the younger the child is at the time of the injury.
Upon clinical examination a decrease in limb function was often found. However only a minority of children consider that decrease relevant in everyday life. Most of the children have a positive opinion of their limb functionality.
Criteria commonly used to asses elbow function do not allow to predict precisely the child’s opinion on the function of the upper limb
Adres: Marcin Ceynowa
Katedra Ortopedii i Traumatologii Narządu Ruchu AMG
e-mail: cinus99@wp.pl