Szkolenie biblioteczne online jako nowoczesna forma zajęć dla studentów I roku Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku
Users’ education is one of the most important part of academic library work. For us first-year student is a special library user, who during obligatory Library training lessons has a possibility to get a basic knowledge about Alma Mater’s library. After this course he should know how to use library different collections and services, what is very important during not easy medical studies.
In Main Library of Medical University of Gdańsk between 2003 and 2005 were provided three years research and development work on effectiveness of already existing trainings in library. As the result of that work obligatory library training via Internet was prepared by librarians from BG AMG and introduced in 2005.
The aim of the following paper is to show the Library training online, to present preparing and implementing works done by librarians and also to give some analyses of training effectiveness.
Adres: mgr inż. Anna Grygorowicz
Biblioteka Główna AMG
ul. Dębinki 1, 80-211 Gdańsk