
Ocena postaw etycznych nauczycieli akademickich oraz studentów Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku

Marta Michowska, Jacek Kaczmarek, Krystyna Basińska, Marek Olejniczak

Ann. Acad. Med. Gedan. 2008 (vol. 38), No 1:
Publication date: 2008-02-01
Language: pl


Between 2006 – 2007 a questionnaire study was carried out at the Medical University of Gdańsk, aimed at evaluation of mutual expectations and perception of the students and academic staff with respect to ethical attitudes. Both academic teachers and students provided their opinions on the expected personal qualities and ethical attitudes and those actually perceived by both groups in the didactic process. The analysis of the results revealed that the ethical attitudes of the academic staff most highly valued by students include fairness of evaluation and respect for students dignity. The ethical attitudes of students, which are most highly valued by the academic staff proved to be responsibility and credibility. The perceived degree of the presence of the analyzed qualities and attitudes proved to be different from expectations with respect to both students and academic staff. Staff features with the highest degree of discrepancy between students’ expectations and perception were fairness of judgment and adherence to study plan and time schedule. For students, the highest levels of expected-to-perceived discrepancy were identified for punctuality and conscientiousness at work.

It was also noted that students’ perception of academic teachers changes during the course of studies: the students of 6th year evaluated the perceived degree of presence of all qualities and attitudes lower than the students of 3rd year of studies. Here the least difference in the evaluation was found for professional competence of academic teachers.

Adres: dr n. med. Marta Michowska
Zakład Etyki, Bioetyki i Deontologii AMG
ul. Tuwima 15, 80-210 Gdańsk
e-mail: mmmm@gumed.edu.pl