Research paper

Postrzeganie wybranych problemów etycznych przez słuchaczy Studium Doktoranckiego Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego na podstawie badania ankietowego z elementami audytu etycznego

Marta Michowska

Ann. Acad. Med. Gedan. 2014 (vol. 44), No 1:
Publication date: 2014-02-01
Language: pl


Aim of study: the aim of this study is to evaluate opinions about threats to the ethical image of their workplace among PhD students at Medical University of Gdańsk. Views presented in the questionnaires were confronted with ethical attitudes desired in scientific research and determined in the MUG Ethical Code, developed in 2008. Recognizing not only the nature of the problem, but also factors leading to unethical behaviour is crucial to undertaking any later reparatory and preventive actions. Participants and method: the research was conducted between 2010 and 2013. The data was gathered through questionnaires administered to the PhD students. A two-year trial study was carried out, in which students could freely choose issues that were posing a threat to the ethical image of Doctorial Studies. The final questionnaire was constructed on the basis of that trial. After careful analysis, three most frequently proposed and significant ethical problems were chosen: relationship with the tutor, relationships with co-workers and authorship of scientific articles. 116 questionnaires were analysed. Students evaluated these problems on the basis of the degree of implementation, on the scale of 0 to 5, where 0 – no implementation; 1 – very low; 2 – low; 3 – medium; 4 – high; 5 – very high degree of implementation. The students were also asked to comment and elaborate on their assessments, point out reasons for perceived problems and formulate their own expectations. Results: with regard to relationship with the tutor, valuing students’ opinion was ranked especially high (M = 4.2). Burdening the students with additional workload was ranked low (M = 2.7). Scientific aid by the promoter was ranked less than “high” (M = 3.9). With regard to relationships with co-workers, attention is given to unfriendly competitiveness (M = 3.6). With regard to authorship, the practice of co-authoring by the head of a given scientific institution is troubling (M = 3.8). A qualitative analysis of relationships with promoters, relationships with co-workers and authorship was also conducted. Students pointed out their generally unfavourable position in the University and the need for organizational changes in the PhD Studies. Conclusions: data gathered indicates that the overall assessment of chosen ethical problems was at least good. Analysed abnormalities were marginal with regard to the whole spectrum of attitudes. Those abnormalities need attention though, as the image of PhD Studies influences the overall image of the University, and proper ethical conduct of professors is essential to the development of young scientists.

Adres: dr med. Marta Michowska
Zakład Etyki GUMed
e-mail: m.michowska@gmail.com