Zmiany w poziomie sprawności fizycznej studentów wybranych kierunków studiów Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
The objective of the study was to determine changes in the level of physical fitness factors in first year students of the selected departments at the Medical University in the academic year 2008/2009.
471 students (233 women and 138 men) from the departments of Physiotherapy, Emergency Medicine, Medicine, Dentistry and Dental Techniques participated in the research.
The Rohrer’s index and types of somatic build were determined with reference to physical development based on body weight and height.
The level of physical fitness between the students from different departments was assessed.
The level of students’ fitness was examined twice a year, in November and April with the European Physical Fitness Test.
In the research the tests measured balance, speed of movements of upper extremity, suppleness, jumping ability, stomach strength, muscle endurance of arms and shoulder girdle, running speed and agility in 10×5m shuttle run.
The analysis of findings revealed that the leptosomic type outweighted the athletic one in the research group.
Considerable variability of physical fitness was noted in students from different departments.
In the majority of tests between the first and second stage of research the increase of physical fitness level in all departments was notified. The best improvement of the results was observed in tests on balance, suppleness, muscle endurance of arms and shoulder girdle (only in women), and speed and agility.
Increase of mean values of the results achieved in the second stage was slightly bigger in women than in men.
Not in all fitness tests statistically significant differences between the first and second investigation occurred. The differences in balance were found mainly in the group of women almost in all departments, while with respect to muscle endurance of arms and running speed they appeared in Physiotherapy and Emergency Medicine Departments. In the latter two both men and women had best results in tests concerning strength, stamina, speed and suppleness. It has to be emphasized that the curriculum at these departments provides the highest number of classes with motor exercises.
The research results prove that students at medical departments consciously and actively participated in PE classes from the beginning of their studies. Both attraction of compulsory classes and wide variety of optional activities evoked great interest in physical activity and care about one’s health and psychophysical development.